We are a dedicated team of Radio Marketers serving the UK since 2010 and still going strong!

“UK Commercial Radio is celebrating 50 years since the launch of the very first station, the London Broadcasting Company LBC! I am pleased to say that Radio is in better shape today than ever before, with Record audiences of 40.5 million adults tuning in to their favourite station every week. Our mission is to connect with the right audience at the right time with the right message”

“The Rainmaker team is obsessed with radio; We have an outstanding track record of using the platform to build our client brand and customer base. Our principles remain the same today as on my first day at Horizon Radio in March 1996, when we help our clients get what they want, we get what we want, a long-term successful partnership.

  • 1996-2010 I started as a trainee and finished as Regional Managing Director in the radio industry.
  • 2010 Launched Rainmaker as an agency partner for UK Radio.
  • Rainmaker takes online businesses and start-ups to Mainstream Radio.
  • Our longest-standing clients have achieved the No. 1 spot in their market (could this be you?)
  • Four of our clients have passed the 1 million milestone for registered customers.
  • We NEVER ask for your money UNTIL we can demonstrate how we can make you Money.
  • The Rainmaker team successfully delivers campaigns that include Radio, Digital Audio, Out of Home and Digital Marketing.
Francis Flanagan

Founder & CEO, Rainmaker Advertising

Get Mainstream Brand fame and the inside track on what 99.9% of marketers don’t know about Radio

Targeting the Right Audience at the Right Time with the Right Message 

Connecting with 36,000,000 weekly listeners guarantees stronger ROI!

Best Value for Money Radio Advertising in the UK Guaranteed

Increase efficiency of media plans and brand search by 52%

Stitching Broadcast Media and Online together for ONE complete and effective advertising solution!

There is often a significant consumer disconnect with UK Business Brand marketing activity and their customer journey Online!

This is created by the number of separate inputs from media specialists and creatives, all vying for more budget and consumer attention.

Gaining a more holistic view of your customer is a key driver for our team we strive to provide a consistent brand experience. Creating and delivering a joined-up experience across Broadcast media and Online consumer touch-points.

We are championing your brand during every step of the process.

The Key Question is: How to make that consumer experience totally seamless and intuitive, building brand salience, fame and, of course, your customer base and market share.

Our Answer; Rainmakers RadioMultiplier*

Delivering the Right Message to the Right Person on the Right Platform at the Right Time!

Since our start in 2010, Rainmaker Advertising has worked with thousands of businesses across the UK, delivering the best possible return on investment.

Meet Our Team 

Francis Flanagan CEO


CEO & Founder

Josh Flanagan


Account Manager

Francis Flanagan CEO


Account Manager

Francis Flanagan CEO


Account Manager

Francis Flanagan CEO


Campaign Manager